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Our Work
Implementing the Process has proven consistently valuable in increasing investment returns: generating incremental Cash sustainably ahead of a liquidity event. It has also been instrumental in helping portfolio companies stay within Covenants, pay down debt and fund capex investments to grow their business.

What People Say
Michael Clarke
CEO Lion Beverages
“We’ve been using the WCashPlus Process at Lion Beverages for over ten years. During that time, it has enabled us to operate with Working Capital of only 5% of Sales.
Al Clarke
CEO Penn Power Group
"The PSG team worked closely with us, and their easy-to-understand Process has enabled us to operate smoothly with Working Capital of only 6% of Sales, freeing up over $10MM of Cash.
John Sypek
Former CEO Area Wide Protection
"PSG used their WCashPlus Process to help us generate $26MM of incremental Cash!
Our Clients
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